
Single copies of the articles can be downloaded ONLY for personal use and internal institutional use, excluding commercial use or systematic distribution.

Organized seminars – 2025:



  1. Prof.ssa Stefanie Elgeti (Vienna University of Technology
     “Mixed-initiative engineering design: How AI can support design decisions”
    (Flyer) 3 February,2025

Organized seminars – 2024:



  1. Prof.ssa Laura De Lorenzis (ETH Zurigo)
    A jukebox talk on recent research of the Computational Mechanics Lab @ETH Zürich
    (Flyer) 16 Setptember, 2024
  2. Prof. Alberto Guadagnini (Prorettore alla Ricerca del Politecnico di Milano)
    Flow and transport processes in porous media under model and parameter uncertainty
    (Flyer) 22 May,2024
  3. Proff. Francesco Migliavacca e Giulia Luraghi (Politecnico di Milano)
    (Flyer) 14 May, 2024
  4. Dr Angelos Mantzaflaris (Inria Sophia Antipolis, Université Côte d’Azur)
    Numerical integration on trimmed domains with high order of convergence
    (Flyer) 27 May,2024
  5. Dr. Philipp Kopp (Bauhaus University Weimar )
     “Thermal finite element simulation and numerical optimization of PBF-LB/M
    (Flyer) 16 May, 2024
  6. Dr. Davide D’Angella (Hyperganic)
    From Campus to Career: A Personal Journey into Industry
    (Flyer) 22 April,2024
  7. Prof.ssa Paola Antonietti (MOX, Politecnico di Milano)
    Mathematical and numerical modeling of neurodegenerative diseases
    (Flyer) 10 April,2024

Organized seminars – 2023:




  1. Teresa Barra
    Drug delivery of neuroprotective peptide in a fluid-
    dynamic in-vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) model (Flyer)
    12 December, 2023
  2. Prof. K. C. Park, University of Colorado, Boulder CO, USA
    A Novel Method of FEM Modeling and Solution without Assembly: Can It Be Possible?
    Part I: Theory and Formulation (Flyer)
    Part II: Initial Applications (Flyer)
    05 October, 2023
  3. Ahmed Aissa Berraies
    “Partitioned FSI for Modern Multiphysics Simulations”
    17 July,2023 (Flyer)
  4. Marcus Sarkis
    Fast solvers for high-order mixed FEMs
    17 May, 2023(Flyer)
  5. Ing. Pier Lorenzo Dell’Orco (Amministratore Delegato, Italgas Reti SpA)
    Italgas Innovation Journey: towards a sustainable and digital future
    11 May,2023(Flyer)
  6. Dott.ssa Simonetta Iarlori (Chief Humar Resources & Organization Officer, Alia Servizi Ambientali SpA)
    Digital Transformation is not (only) about technology
    8 May,2023(Flyer)
  7. Dr. Lars Radtke
    Parameter-free shape optimization: an engineering view on differentiation with respect to a shape
    29 March, 2023(Flyer)
  8. Prof. Federico Bosi
    “The strength of ultralightweight membranes and additively manufactured metamaterials”
    20 March, 2023(Flyer)
  9. Dott. Andrea Bressan (IMATI – CNR)
    “An introduction to LR-splines”
    10 March, 2023(Flyer)
  10. Prof. Ernesto Di Maio (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale, Scuola di Ingegneria e delle Scienze di Base, Università di Napoli Federico II)
    Multi-graded foams by gas foaming
    23 February,2023(Flyer)
    Kenjiro Terada, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, Japan
    Crack-phase field model combined with finite cover method for strong discontinuity representation
    21 February,2023
  11. Junji Kato, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan
    Topology optimization and its application to additive manufacturing
    21 February,2023(Flyer)
  12. Prof. Calogero Oddo
    Touch science and engineering: from biomedical applications and tactile restoration with neuromorphic information encoding to sensory enrichment for the metaverse”
    13 February ,2023(Flyer)
  13. O.Rachmil and Z.Yosibash
    Automatic Segmentation of Lytic Tumors
    21 January,2023 (Flyer)
  14. Prof.ssa Malú Grave (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
    Comparing the convected level-set and the Allen-Cahn phase-field methods in AMR/C simulations of two-phase flows
    25 January, 2023 (Flyer)

Organized seminars – 2022:

  1.  Prof.ssa Malú Grave (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
    Comparing the convected level-set and the Allen-Cahn phase-field methods in AMR/C simulations of two-phase flows
    25 January, 2023 (Flyer)
  2. Dr Fabio Rigat
    Introduction to oncology clinical development from a quantitative modelling perspective
    7 December, 2022(flyer)
  3.  Prof.ssa Elisa Cimetta
    Engineering Approaches for Biomedical Applications
    November 21,2022(flyer)
  4. Prof. Davide Bigoni
    Implementing instabilities inside architected materials
    May 30,2022(flyer)
  5. M.R. Antognazza, Researcher
    Cells in Animal and Plant Systems
    October 12th, 2022  (flyer)
  6. Dr. Hüsnü Dal
    Data-Driven Modelling of Isotropic and Anisotropic Hyperelastic Solids
    September 12, 2022 (flyerslides 1slides 2)
  7. Prof. Antonia Larese
    Simulation of extreme water hazards and their interaction with structures and protection systems
    May 30, 2022 (flyer)
  8. Prof. Marco Dorigo
    Swarm robotics: recent results and new research directions
    May 9, 2022 (flyer)
  9. Prof. Carlo Antonini & Rajat Chaudhary (PhD)
    Additive Manufacturing by Digital Light Processing
    January 17, 2022 (flyer)

Organized seminars – 2021:

  1. Prof. Michele Chiumenti
    Performance analysis of AM-parts by Fused Filament Fabrication
    November 26, 2021 (flyer)
  2. Dr. Hossein Jafarzadeh
    Phase field approach to fracture, phase transformation and coupling between fracture and phase transformation
    May 5, 2021 (flyer)
  3. Prof. Filippo Berto
    Local Approaches in Fatigue
    17 March 2021 (flyer)
  4. Dr. Lorenzo Tamellini
    Uncertainty Quantification: dealing with uncertainties in computational science and engineering
    12 March 2021 (flyerslides)

Organized seminars – 2020:

  1. Prof. Liberato Ferrara
    Advanced cement based composites: an asset for civil engineering to face the XXI century societal and economical challenges. The approach of the H2020 Project “ReSHEALience”
    16 March 2020 (flyer)
  2. Dr. Soheil Bazazzadeh
    Simulation of multi-physics problems in brittle materials with Peridynamics
    5 February 2020 (flyer)
  3. Dr. Daniele Bianchi
    Multiscale approaches for multiphysics modelling of the mechanical response of arterial tissues
    29 January 2020 (flyer)
  4. Dott. Andrea Vigliotti
    Forward Automatic Differentiation with an application to solid mechanics
    21 January 2020 (flyer)


Organized seminars – 2019:

  1. Eng. Nina Korshunova
    From images to material characterization of AM porous metal structures
    18 December 2019 (flyer)
  2. Prof. Leonardo Leonetti
    Progresses in mixed models for the efficient nonlinear analysis of composite shells
    12 December 2019 (flyer)
  3. Eng. Sai Chandana Divi
    An Error-estimate-based Adaptive Integration Scheme For Immersed Isogeometric Analysis
    11 October 2019 (flyer)
  4. Eng. Pouria Behnoudfar
    High-order generalized-α methods for dynamic problems
    2 October 2019 (flyer)
  5. Eng. John Jomo
    The finite cell method and its applications to large-scale industrial simulations
    26 September 2019 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Alberto García González
    A kernel Principal Component Analysis (kPCA) digest with a new backward mapping (pre-image reconstruction) strategy
    Prof. Sergio Zlotnik
    Combining Reduced Order Methods with Bayesian inference for the solution of inverse problems with application in Geophysics
    24 September 2019 (flyer)
  7. Prof. Giorgio De Pasquale
    Structural design for additive: methods and case studies
    3 September 2019 (flyer)
  8. Eng. Sandro Belz (PhD Student)
    A Two-Dimensional Brittle Fracture Model for Thin Shells and Adaptive Simulations
    29 August 2019 (flyer)
  9. Dr. Marta D’Elia
    Nonlocal Models in Computational Science and Engineering: Challenges and Applications
    25 July 2019 (flyer)
  10. Eng. Federico Valente
    A Platform of Tools for Additive Manufacturing
    11 July 2019 (flyer)
  11. Prof. Jože Korelc
    Automation of Computational Modeling
    23 May 2019 (flyer)
  12. Prof. Maurizio Porfiri
    When zebrafish met engineering
    16 May 2019 (flyer)
  13. Prof. Mirian Velay-Lizancos
    Past, present and future: Forensic engineering, eco-concretes and construction materials for a new age
    8 May 2019 (flyer)
  14. Eng. Angélique Perrillat
    What can be deduced from MRI data?
    7 May 2019 (flyer)
  15. Prof. Erasmo Carrera
    The Unified Formulation: a high-fidelity tool for the analysis of structures with enhanced computational efficiency
    3 May 2019 (flyer)
  16. Prof. Massimiliano Fraldi
    Cells Mechanics and Competition in Tumor Growth
    15 March 2019 (flyer)
  17. Prof. Alberto Bellin
    Transport Processes Across Scales in Heterogeneous Environments
    18 February 2019 (flyer)


Organized seminars – 2018:

  1. Prof. Bo Gervang
    Force Equilibrium in a Spectral Finite Element Method
    13 December 2018 (flyer)
  2. Eng. Anna Ferrarini – Eng. Mauro Murer
    Introduction to FEniCS and FreeFem++: a brief overview of these software
    3 December 2018 (flyer – Murer slides – Ferrarini slides)
  3. Prof. Alberto Giacomello
    Superhydrophobicity and evaporation in nano- and micro-textured surfaces
    22 November 2018 (flyer)
  4. Prof. Gianluigi Rozza, Prof. Francesco Ballarin
    Reduced Order Methods for Parametric Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics, with Applications in Hemodynamics and Industry
    19 November 2018 (flyer – slides)
  5. Prof. Enzo Marino
    Isogeometric collocation for geometrically exact shear-deformable beams: statics and explicit dynamics
    12 November 2018 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Zohar Yosibash
    Patient specific CT-based FEA of femurs – a leap to daily clinical practice
    6 November 2018 (flyer)
  7. Prof. Mario Romano
    Retinal vessels within the retinal nerve fiber layer: optical coherence tomography angiography without retinal dyes
    22 October 2018 (flyer)
  8. Ing. Astrid Hoving – Dr. Julia Mikhal
    Experimental and numerical blood flow studies in stented arterial geometries
    22 October 2018 (flyer)
  9. Ing. Alexandro Dottore
    L’utilizzo delle Analisi a Elementi Finiti nella Verifica a Fatica di Strutture Offshore
    17 October 2018 (flyer)
  10. Dr. Andrea Giampieri
    Engineering problems in Packaging Industry supported by FEM Simulations
    8 October 2018 (flyer)
  11. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Elgeti
    Numerical Design for Manufacturing Processes
    2 October 2018 (flyer)
  12. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marek Behr
    Unstructured Space-Time Meshes in the Context of Moving Boundary Problems
    2 October 2018 (flyer)
  13. Prof. Junji Kato
    Topology Optimization and Design Method for Additive Manufacturing
    17 September 2018 (flyer – slides)
  14. Dr. Daniele Prada
    Introduction to the Virtual Element Method
    10 September 2018 (flyer)
  15. Dr. Stijn Vandenberghe
    Crash course in heart surgery for engineers
    11 June 2018 (flyer)
  16. Prof. Ignacio Romero
    Coupling beams and continua: novel variational principles and numerical methods
    23 April 2018 (flyer)
  17. Prof. Marco Evangelos Biancolini
    Fast Radial Basis Functions for Engineering Applications
    7 February 2018 (flyer)
  18. SysAdmin Team
    Server Architecture and Good-practice
    31 January 2018 (flyer)
  19. Prof. Luca Pavarino
    Parallel and scalable solvers in computational cardiology
    22 January 2018 (flyer)
  20. Dr. Giuseppe Balduzzi
    Beams with variable mechanical properties: critical issue and effective modelling
    8 January 2018 (flyer)


Organized seminars – 2017:

  1. Prof. Marco Marengo
    The Pulsating Heat Pipes: experimental analysis and numerical simulations in terrestrial and microgravity conditions
    1 December 2017 (flyer)
  2. Dr. Federica Confalonieri
    Explicit Simulation of Blade Cutting and Delamination
    28 November 2017 (flyer)
  3. Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
    Galerkin-RB-POD Reduced Order Methods: state of the art and perspectives with focus on parametric Computational Fluid Dynamics
    3 November 2017 (flyer)
  4. Dr. Andrea Camposeo
    Nanofabrication technologies for organic materials and optically active polymer systems
    23 October 2017 (flyer – slides)
  5. Dr. Guillermo Lorenzo
    A Computational Framework for Tissue-Scale, Patient-Specific Prediction of Prostate Cancer Growth
    27 September 2017 (flyer)
  6. Linus Wunderlich
    Hybrid finite element methods for non-linear and non-smooth problems in solid mechanics
    21 September 2017 (flyer)
  7. Dr. Héctor Martínez
    3D Bioprinting of Human Soft Tissue Models
    30 June 2017 (flyer)
  8. Prof. Marco D. de Tullio
    A numerical tool for simulating the fluid-structure interaction of elastic bodies with arbitrary thickness
    29 June 2017 (flyer)
  9. Prof. Elio Sacco
    Homogenization of heterogeneous beams
    20 June 2017 (flyer)
  10. Dr. Elisa Boatti
    Origami metamaterials for tunable thermal expansion
    7 June 2017 (flyer)
  11. Prof. Thomas Elguedj
    Isogeometric Analysis Suitable Trivariate Models from Cuboid Decomposition Quadrangulation
    30 May 2017 (flyer)
  12. Prof. Matthieu De Beule
    Simulation of biomedical devices: a perspective from spin-off company
    22 May 2017 (flyer)
  13. Prof. Ming-Chen Hsu
    A Framework for Patient-Specific Heart Valve Design and Analysis
    3 April 2017 (flyer)
  14. Dr. Chris Long
    Cardiovascular Fluids Modeling: From Pulsatile Ventricular Assist Devices to Stent Modeling
    30 March 2017 (flyer – slides)
  15. Dr. Stefano Pandini
    Shape memory behavior of semicrystalline polymer networks:thermo-mechanical characterization and structure-property correlation
    15 February 2017 (flyer – slides)
  16. Dr. Matteo Alvaro
    Earth science meets technology:from paleo-subduction to material sciences
    10 February 2017 (flyer)
  17. Prof. Luigi GambarottaDr. Andrea BacigalupoDr. Marco Lepidi
    The influence of cell morphology on bulk acoustic wave propagation in periodic composite materials
    02 February 2017 (flyer – slides Gambarotta – slides Bacigalupo – slides Lepidi)
  18. Prof. Bernhard A. Schrefler
    A multiphase porous media model for transport oncophysics
    1 February 2017 (flyer)
  19. Prof. Josef Kiendl
    Isogeometric phase-field modeling of brittle fracture in thin plates and shells
    20 January 2017 (flyer)
  20. Dr. Antonio Concilio
    Strutture Adattive: un’introduzione al Morphing
    18 January 2017 (flyer)
  21. Dr. Stijn Vandenberghe
    Uncommon knowledge about Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVADs)
    16 January 2017 (flyer)


Organized seminars – 2016:

  1. Dr. Oliver Weeger
    Isogeometric collocation methods for Cosserat rods and their application in design optimization for additive manufacturing
    20 December 2016 (flyer)
  2. Prof. Yuri Bazilevs
    Flexible FSI Framework with Applications
    2 December 2016 (flyer)
  3. Ing. Elio Bergamaschi
    Una visione olistica per l’Additive Manufacturing – Verso la Digital Enterprise
    7 November 2016 (flyer)
  4. Dr. Michele Chiumenti
    Numerical modeling of the AM process by Wire-feeding and Blown powder technologies
    24 October 2016 (flyer)
  5. Dr. Luca Emili Project
    19 October 2016 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Gerhard Holzapfel
    Modeling of Fiber-reinforced Solids with Application to Soft Tissues
    6 September 2016 (flyer)
  7. Prof. Damiano Pasini
    Tapping into material architecture to go beyond the performance of conventional materials
    30 June 2016 (flyer)
  8. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Elgeti
    Handling Deforming Fluid Domains with Spline-Based Finite Element Methods
    23 May 2016 (flyer)
  9. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marek Behr
    Prediction of Blood Damage Induced by Artificial Rotary Pumps
    23 May 2016 (flyer)
  10. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall
    An approach for feasible Uncertainty Quantification of complex real world problems – exemplified for problems in Biomechanics
    16 March 2016 (flyer)
  11. Prof. Ming-Chen Hsu
    Design Optimization of a Hydraulic Arresting Gear using Immersogeometric Fluid–Structure Interaction
    1 March 2016 (flyer)
  12. Dr. John-Eric Dufour
    Shape, Displacement and Mechanical Properties from Isogeometric Stereo-correlation
    26 February 2016 (flyer)
  13. Dr. Ching-Long Lee
    Mixed Formulation for Frame Elements with Singular Response and Bond-Slip
    15 February 2016 (flyer)
  14. Prof. Alessandra Balduini
    Silk biomaterial for bone marrow modeling and platelet production
    21 January 2016 (flyer)


Organized seminars – 2015:

  1. Eng. Quirina de Ruiter
    The Gap between development of medical equipment by the engineers and the implementation and effective use of medical equipment in the advanced operation room by the surgeon
    10 December 2015 (flyer)
  2. Prof. Elisabetta Manconi
    Finite Element Analysis of wave propagation in 1D and 2D waveguides
    17 November 2015 (flyer)
  3. Dr. Leonardo De Mattos
    Surgical Robotics Research at the IIT: Assistive Systems for Enhancing Surgical Safety, Precision and Quality
    16 November 2015 (flyer)
  4. Dr. Alberto Figueroa
    CRIMSON: An integrated computer modelling framework for subject-specific cardiovascular simulation
    5 November 2015 (flyer)
  5. Prof. Alexander Düster
    Numerical homogenization of hybrid metal foams using the finite cell method
    8 October 2015 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Peter Wriggers
    Particles in Fluids and Solids
    11 September 2015 (flyer)
  7. Rene Hiemstra
    Some Recent Advances in IsoGeometric Analysis
    16 June 2015 (flyer)
  8. Prof. Davide Bigoni
    The elastica arm balance, the torsional gun, and the self-encapsulation, or dripping, of an elastic rod
    5 May 2015 (flyer)
  9. Prof. Hugo Casquero
    Validation of an immersed methodology for FSI using NURBS and T-splines
    2 March 2015 (flyer)
  10. Alessandro Zito – Ridix
    Concept Laser – Fusione Laser delle Polveri
    25 February 2015 (presentation)
  11. Prof. Anna Pandolfi
    On Electro-Active Anisotropic Material Models for the Behavior of the Large Intestine
    28 January 2015 (flyer)
  12. Prof. Massimiliano Gei
    Controlling wave propagation in elastic structures: quasiperiodic waveguides and structural metamaterials for cloaking flexural waves
    20 January 2015 (flyer)

Organized seminars – 2014:

  1. SAIPEM seminars run by Ing. Roberto BruschiIng. Lorenzo MarchionniIng. Antonio Parrella
    21 November 2014 (flyerpres 1pres 2pres 3)
  2. Dr. Eva Héripré
    Mechanical tests and field measurements inside a scanning electron microscope
    19 November 2014 (flyer)
  3. Prof. Andrei Constantinescu
    Computational Fatigue Design of Structures
    19 November 2014 (flyerpresentation)
  4. Dr. Sofía Rodríguez
    3D µ-Printing by Direct Laser Writing
    3 November 2014 (flyer)
  5. Dr. Elena Faggiano
    From medical images to vascular simulations
    30 October 2014 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
    Recent advances on reduced order modelling for viscous and thermal flows in parametrized settings: focus on stability and bifurcations
    24 October 2014 (flyer)
  7. Prof. Lorenzo Bardella
    Crystal and phenomenological distortion-gradient plasticity theories
    11 September 2014 (flyer)
  8. Prof. Fehmi Cirak
    Immersed b-spline finite elements for fluid-structure interaction
    8 September 2014 (flyer)
  9. Prof. Ming-Chen Hsu
    Isogeometric Fluid–Structure Interaction Analysis of Bioprosthetic Heart Valves
    10 July 2014 (flyer)
  10. Materialise Team
    Biomedical Software and Services for Engineering on Anatomy
    18 June 2014 (flyer)
  11. Eng. Andrea Massa
    Trattamento Endovascolare delle patologie aortiche: caratteristiche biomeccaniche per il successo del device
    23 May 2014 (flyer)
  12. Dr. Martin Ruess
    Recent progress in the framework of higher order approximation
    28 April 2014 (flyer)
  13. Dr. Luigi Galasso
    Osteointegrazione: aspetti biomeccanici e componentistica
    11 April 2014 (flyer)
  14. Prof. Pedro Diez
    Proper Generalized Decomposition of geometrical parametrization of boundaries and internal interfaces: multidimensional parametric problems for inverse problems and uncertainty quantification
    24 March 2014 (flyer)
  15. Dr. Joao Filipe M. Caseiro
    On the Assumed Natural Strain Method for Isogeometric Analysis: NURBS-Based Solid-Shell Element for the Analysis of Thin-Shell Structures
    10 March 2014 (flyer)
  16. Eng. Peppino Terpolilli
    Inverse Problems in the Upstream Oil Industry
    25 February 2014 (flyer)
  17. Dr. Margaux Bouzin
    Correlazione di immagini per emodinamica in sistemi animali modello
    21 February 2014 (flyer)
  18. Prof. Ernst Rank
    Isogeometric Analysis and the Finite Cell Method: Two approaches to better integrate CAD and Numerical Analysis
    6 February 2014 (flyer)
  19. Prof. Eugenio Dragoni
    La meccanica degli attuatori a memoria di forma
    31 January 2014 (flyerpresentation)
  20. Prof. Hector Gomez
    Isogeometric Analysis of Phase-field Models: Application to the Thermomechanics of Shape Memory Alloys
    23 January 2014 (flyer)


Organized seminars – 2013:

  1. Eng. Diego Andreis
    F-Lab. Il laboratorio d’innovazione sulle nuove tecnologie e i nuovi materiali
    6 December 2013 (flyer)
  2. Prof. Maurizio Porfiri
    Fish ‘n’ Robots: not a take-out food
    28 November 2013 (flyer)
  3. Dr. Fabbri & Dr. Fici
    Circulating Tumor Cells: Liquid Biopsy of Cancer
    27 November 2013 (flyer)
  4. Prof. Harald van Brummelen
    Goal-Adaptive Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction
    13 November 2013 (flyer)
  5. Dr. Michele Marino
    Towards a patient-specific constitutive modeling of soft biological tissues: the multiscale structural approach
    29 October 2013 (flyerpresentation)
  6. Dr. Salvatore Pasta
    Biomechanical Evaluation of Ascending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
    11 October 2013 (flyer)
  7. Eng. Francesca Giudici
    Reduction of aortic stiffness by an external passive elastic wrap
    3 July 2013 (flyer)
  8. Prof. Andrea Pietrabissa
    Chirurgia robotica, presente e futuro
    7 June 2013 (flyer)
  9. Dr. A Mazzola & Dr. P. Totaro
    Apparato Cardiocircolatorio: Fisiologia, Fisiopatologia e Trattamenti Chirurgici. Correttivi di Base
    5 June 2013 (flyer)
  10. Prof. Ulisse Stefanelli
    Crystallization in a nutshell
    13 May 2013 (flyer)
  11. Prof. Trond Kvamsdal
    Adaptive isogeometric analysis based on superconvergent patch recovery
    6 May 2013 (flyer)
  12. Prof. Davide Bigoni
    Dislocations and inclusions in prestressed metals
    15 April 2013 (flyer)
  13. Prof. Robertt Valente
    Locking in “solid-shell” NURBS-based finite elements: Extending the Enhanced Assumed Strain and Assumed Natural Strain methods for Isogeometric Analysis
    25 March 2013 (flyer)
  14. Prof. Elvio Bonisoli & Dr. Marco Brino
    Magneto-dynamic Energy Harvester for tyre applications” & “Crossing and Veering phenomena in a crank-mechanism
    5 February 2013 (flyerpres1pres2)
  15. Eng. Ako Bahari
    Transient Interaction of Acoustic Shock Waves with a Fluid-Filled Functionally Graded Hollow Elastic Sphere
    21 January 2013 (flyer)

Organized seminars – 2012:

  1. Dr. Dominik Schilinger
    Isogeometric Collocation: Cost Comparison with Galerkin Methods and Extension to Adaptive Hierarchical NURBS Discretizations
    11 December 2012 (flyer)
  2. Prof. Sonia Marfia
    A nonuniform TFA homogenization technique based on piecewise interpolation functions of the inelastic field
    6 November 2012 (flyerpresentation)
  3. Dr. Leopoldo Greco
    Interpolazioni B-Spline per l’analisi numerica di insiemi spaziali di travi curve non polari mediante una formulazione implicita della continuità geometrica
    30 October 2012 (flyer)
  4. Prof. Laura De Lorenzis
    Isogeometric treatment of contact problems including local refinement with T-splines
    16 October 2012 (flyer)
  5. Dr. Ibraheem Khan
    Making Smart Materials Smarter
    12 June 2012 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Yosef Kivity
    The BGU Protective Technologies R&D Center: An Overview
    6 June 2012 (flyer)
  7. Prof. Andrea Pietrabissa
    Chirurgia robotica, presente e futuro
    10 May 2012 (flyer)
  8. Dr. M. Bordone and Dr. E. Soudah
    Biomedical Research at CIMNE-UPC
    4 May 2012 (flyer)
  9. Prof. Hector Gomez
    Isogeometric analysis and unconditional time integration of the phase field crystal equation
    3 May 2012 (flyer)
  10. Prof. Paolo Maria Mariano
    Complementary energy of elastic simple bodies undergoing large strains” & “Anatomy of models of condensed matter
    27 January 2012 (flyer)


Organized seminars – 2011:

  1. Prof. Damiano Pasini
    Mechanics, Design and Application of Lattice Materials in Biomechanics
    21 December 2011 (flyer)
  2. Prof. Robertt Valente
    Finite element formulations and computational strategies in the numerical simulation of plastic forming processes of metallic parts
    5 December 2011 (flyer)
  3. Dr. Dominik Schillinger
    The B-spline version of the finite cell method
    30 November 2011 (flyer)
  4. Prof. Joze Korelc
    Automation of Computational Modeling
    23 November 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  5. Dr. Lorenzo Sanavia
    Multi-physics modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic multi-phase porous materials with application to environmental engineering problems
    18 November 2011 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Antonio DeSimone
    Mechanics of nematic elastomers: modeling, analysis, and numerical simulation
    17 November 2011 (flyer)
  7. Prof. Francisco Armero
    Finite Elements with Embedded Discontinuities for the Modeling of Failure in Solids
    10 November 2011 (flyer)
  8. Dr. Jiong Wang
    An analytical study on the stress-induced variant reorientation in a slender NiMnGa sample
    18 October 2011 (flyer)
  9. Dr. Jip L Tolenaar
    The importance of aortadynamics
    6 October 2011 (flyer)
  10. Prof. Bjorn Kiefer
    Aspect of Computational Magnetomechanics for Nonlinear Multifunctional Materials
    4 October 2011 (flyer)
  11. Prof. Attilio Frangi
    On the analysis of solid and fluid dissipation in MEMS resonators
    26 September 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  12. Dr. Stefan Kollmannsberger
    TO MESH OR NOT TO MESH that is the question
    26 September 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  13. Prof. Yuri Bazilevs
    Fluid-Structure Interaction and Isogeometric Analysis: From Wind Turbines to Biomechanics
    22 September 2011 (flyer)
  14. Prof. Massimo Cuomo and Dr. Leopoldo Greco
    Elementi Finiti arricchiti per l’analisi dello scorrimento e della frattura in strutture composite fragili. Considerazioni computazionali
    14 July 2011 (flyer)
  15. Prof. Stefano Vidoli
    Some recent developments in strain-gradient elasticity and their applications to fracture mechanics
    11 July 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  16. Prof. Thomas Franz
    The Role of Biomechanics for Treatment and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Africa
    28 June 2011 (flyer)
  17. Prof. Jessica Zhang
    Image-Based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation for Complicated Domains
    24 June 2011 (flyer)
  18. Dr. Edoardo Mazza
    Experimental characterization of soft human tissue
    14 June 2011 (flyer)
  19. Dr. Umberto Morbiducci
    Visualization and Quantification of Blood Flow in the Human Aorta. From in vivo 4D Phase Contrast MRI to Subject-Specific Computational Hemodynamics
    5 May 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  20. Dr. Victor Calo
    Analysis and Applications of Isogeometric Finite Elements
    29 April 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  21. Dr. Matthieu De Beule
    Computational Biomechanics
    19 April 2011 (flyer)
  22. Dr. Stefan Hartmann
    Possibilities of finite element analysis with LS-DYNA in industrial applications” and “Recent developments in LS-DYNA for Isogeometric Analysis
    14 April 2011 (flyerpresentation 1presentation 2)
  23. Dr. Marco Paggi
    A nonlocal cohesive zone model for finite thickness interfaces: mathematical formulation, numerical implementation and materials science applications
    8 April 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  24. Prof. Maurizio Angelillo
    Joys and sorrows of FEM with strong discontinuities for the variational approximations of free discontinuity problems
    25 March 2011 (flyerpresentation)
  25. Prof. Benedict Verhegghe
    An introduction to pyFormex and to other activities @ bioMMeda
    9 February 2011 (flyerpresentation 1presentation 2)
  26. Dr. Hector Gomez
    Phase-field models and Isogeometric Analysis
    1 February 2011 (flyerpresentation)


Organized seminars – 2010:

  1. Eng. Marina Carbone
    Dataset Segmentation in Surgical Planning – the Pancreas experience
    16 December 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  2. Dr. Roberto Cavaliere
    Mathematica by Wolfram Research: uno strumento per la ricerca e la didattica
    17 November 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  3. Dr. Gregory Angelo Sgueglia
    La Cardiologia Interventistica oggi: applicazioni e problemi aperti
    18 October 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  4. Prof. Peter Wriggers
    A new Mixed Finite Element based on Different Approximations of the Minors of Deformation Tensors
    10 September 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  5. Prof. Carlo Callari
    Introduzione alla meccanica dei mezzi porosi saturi
    7 July 2010 (flyer)
  6. Prof. Walter Lacarbonara
    Aeroelastic instabilities in suspension and arch bridges via geometrically exact formulations
    17 June 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  7. Prof. Georges Cailletaud
    Experimental study and numerical modeling of phase transformation and viscoplastic behaviour of TA6V: Application to laser welding and laser prototying
    10 June 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  8. Prof. Lucia Gastaldi and Prof. Daniele Boffi
    An introduction to Immersed boundary methods and to its finite element approximation
    27 May 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  9. Prof. Reza Naghdabadi
    Multiscale FEM analysis of Nanostructured Materials Based on Equivalent Continuum Mechanics
    21 May 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  10. Costantino Menna and Domenico Asprone
    Simulazioni numeriche di prove di impatto su laminati in vetroresina
    6 May 2010 (presentation)
  11. Dr. Luca Dedè
    Topology Optimization with Isogeometric Analysis in a Phase Field Approach
    27 April 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  12. Dr. Raffaele Ponzini
    Applicazioni del calcolo scientifico all’ambito biomedicale
    20 April 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  13. Prof. Andrea Pietrabissa
    Computer assisted surgery
    30 March 2010 (flyer)
  14. Dr. Flavio Campanile
    The circle-arc procedure for non linear bending
    5 February 2010 (flyer)
  15. Prof. Davide Bigoni
    The unrestrainable growth of a shear band in a prestressed material
    1 February 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  16. Dr. Francesco Calabrò
    An introduction to Gauss quadrature and some extensions
    28 January 2010 (flyerpresentation)
  17. Carolina Ferrazzano
    Ottimizzazione del dispositivo stent coronarico al trattamento di restenosi intrastent
    21 January 2010 (flyerpresentation)


Organized seminars – 2009:

  1. Dr. Hugo Santos
    Damage Mechanics Based Models for High-Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction of Metals
    18 December 2009 (flyerpresentation)
  2. Dr. Thomas Elguedj
    Extended finite elements with application to dynamic crack propagation
    18 December 2009 (flyer)
  3. Dr. Sauro Manenti
    A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Basics and Applications
    12 November 2009 (flyerpresentation)
  4. Prof. Serguei Iakovlev
    Analytical and semi-analytical approaches to modeling transient fluid-structure interaction
    26 October 2009 (flyerpresentation)
  5. Dr. Anna Ferrara
    A Numerical Model of Atherosclerotic Lesions in Human Arteries
    19 October 2009 (flyerpresentation)
  6. Dr. Hugo Santos
    Duality in the Geometrically Exact Analysis of Three-Dimensional Framed Structures
    12 October 2009 (flyerpresentation)
  7. Prof. Serguei Iakovlev
    Wave phenomena in fluid-structure interaction
    18 September 2009 (flyerpresentation)
  8. Prof. Serguei Iakovlev
    Structure-induced hydrodynamic waves
    17 September 2009 (flyerpresentation)
  9. Dr. Matthieu De Beule
    Lectures on “Computational Biomechanics
    7 April 2009 (flyer)
  10. Giacomo AlettiGiovanni Naldi e Matteo Semplice
    Chemotassi e movimento cellulare: fenomenologia e modelli matematici
    31 March 2009 (flyer)
  11. COMSOL
    Workshop COMSOL Multiphysics
    13 March 2009 (flyer1flyer2)


Organized seminars – 2008:

  1. Jorge Crempien
    Introduction to stochastic finite elements and application to the response of mechanical systems with uncertain parameters
    17 November 2008 (flyerpresentation)
  2. V.A. Chernenko
    Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys: underlying physics and recent advances in thin film technology
    14 November 2008 (flyerpresentation)
  3. Ing. Giuseppe Vairo
    Rational deduction of anisotropic thin-walled beam models from three-dimensional elasticity
    7 November 2008 (flyerpresentation)
  4. Dr. Antonio Madeo
    Implicit Corotational Method: Theory and FEM implementation
    13 October 2008 (flyerpresentation)
  5. Prof. Manfred Bischoff
    On the sensitivity of finite elements to mesh distortions
    2 September 2008 (flyer, presentation)
  6. Prof. Hedi Hassis
    On the multiphase approach for reinforced medium with membrane
    8 July 2008 (flyer)
  7. Dr. Silvio R. Schaffner
    Design of peripheral stenting
    7 July 2008 (flyer)
  8. Prof. T.J.R. Hughes
    A Vision of the Future: Patient Specific Cardiovascular Modeling and the Predictive Paradigm in Medicine
    21 May 2008 (flyer)
  9. Dr. Matthieu De Beule
    Series of lectures on “Computational Biomechanics”
    20-21 May /10-11 June 2008 (flyer)
  10. Prof. Stefanos Demertzis
    Biomechanics from aortic valves repairing to gait analysis
    24 April 2008 (flyerpresentation)
  11. Prof. Emilio Calabrese
    SFA Stenting: state of art and unresolved issues
    15 April 2008 (flyer)