- Sai Chandana Divi – March 2022
“Scan-based immersed isogeometric analysis” (Thesis, Presentation) - Alfredo Castrogiovanni – July 2021
“Reduced Order Homogenization for Multiscale Analysis of Nonlinear Composites” (Thesis, Presentation) - Mauro Murer – July 2021
“Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of Laser Metal Deposition process exploring open source software” (Thesis, Presentation) - Kayalvizhi Lakshmanan – July 2021
- Alessia Patton – April 2021
“Advanced isogeometric methods with a focus on composite laminated structures” (Thesis, Presentation) - Giovanni Maria Formato – February 2021
“Carotid artery and stenting: from geometrical analysis to computational hemodynamics” (Thesis, Presentation) - Karim El-Ghamrawy – February 2021
“Proper Generalized Decomposition solutions for composite laminates with parametrized fibre orientations for fast computations” (Thesis, Presentation) - Lorenzo Casagrande – March 2020
“3D Concrete Printing: a new Era in Construction Industry” (Thesis, Presentation) - Massimo Carraturo – March 2020
“Modelling, Validation, and Design for Additive Manufacturing – Applications of numerical methods to 3D printing processes” (Thesis, Presentation) - Alberto Pedro Sibileau – September 2019
“Computational Vademecums for Lattice Materials using algebraic PGD” (Thesis, Presentation) - Margherita Coda – February 2019
“Advanced patient-specific modeling and analysis of complex aortic structures by means of Isogeometric Analysis” (Thesis, Presentation) - Alberto Cattenone – February 2019
“Analysis and Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes” (Thesis, Presentation) - Rodrigo Romarowski – March 2018
“Moving Computational Tools for Aortic Disease from the Bench to the Bedside” (Thesis, Presentation) - Valentina Mercuri – March 2018
“Form and structural optimization: from beam modeling to 3D printing of reinforced concrete members” (Thesis, Presentation) - Gianluca Alaimo – March 2018
“Material behavior and manufacturing solutions for biomedical applications: from computational optimization to 3D printing” (Thesis, Presentation) - Xi Zou – March 2018
“Simulation Tools for Biomechanical Applications with PGD-Based Reduced Order Models” (Thesis, Presentation) - Tuong Hoang – February 2018
“Isogeometric and immersogeometric analysis of incompressible flow problems” (Thesis) - Isabella Sani – June 2017
“Selective Laser Melting process simulation: advancements towards a cost-effective model” (Thesis) - Ericka Brivadis – January 2017
“Isogeometric mortar methods with applications in contact mechanics” (Thesis, Presentation) - Elisa Boatti – January 2016
“Shape Memory Materials: constitutive modeling for advanced applications” (Thesis, Presentation) - Chiara Trentin – January 2016
“An automatic tool for thoracic aorta segmentation and 3D geometric analysis” (Thesis, Presentation) - Andrea Montanino – January 2016
“The modified finite particle method in the context of meshless methods” (Thesis, Presentation) - Mauro Ferraro – January 2015
“Advanced Modeling of Stents: from constitutive modeling to biomedical (isogeometric) analysis” (Thesis, Presentation) - Adrien Lefieux – January 2015
“On the use of anisotropic triangles in an immersed finite element approach with application to fluid-structure interaction problems” (Thesis, Presentation) - Carolina Ferrazzano – January 2014
“Computational modeling of coronary stenting: from image processing to clinical evaluation” (Thesis) - Giuseppe Balduzzi – October 2013
“Beam Models: Variational Derivation, Analytical and Numerical Solutions” (Thesis) - Simone Morganti – February 2012
“Finite Element Analysis of Aortic Valve Surgery” (Thesis) - Michele Conti – February 2011
“Finite Element Analysis of Carotid Artery Stenting” (Thesis) - Jamal Arghavani – September 2010
“Thermo-mechanical behavior of shape memory alloys under multiaxial loadings: constitutive modeling and numerical implementation at small and finite strains” (Thesis) - Gabriele Attanasi – August 2009
“An Innovative Superelastic System for Base Isolation” (Thesis) - Edoardo Artioli – June 2006
“Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of a New Class of Exponential-Based Integration Alghoritms for Elastoplasticity” (Thesis) - Davide Fugazza – August 2005
“Use of Shape-Memory Alloy Devices in Earthquake Engineering: Mechanical Properties, Advanced Constitutive Modelling and Structural Applications” (Thesis) - Alessandro Reali – August 2005
“Advanced Computational Techniques for the Study of Traditional and Innovative Seismic Devices” (Thesis) - Damian Grant – May 2005
“Modelling and Analysis of High-damping Rubber Bearings for the Seismic Protection of Bridges” (Thesis) - Carlo Callari – February 1997
“Modellazione elasto-plastica in deformazioni finite delle argille tenere: Aspetti teorici e computazionali” (Thesis)