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13 – 19 May 2019: High-order methods are not yet widely used in engineering applications due to their increased computational cost. Our CompMech Group member, Alexandros Karkoulias, seeks to demonstrate that a high-order method for the simulation of fluid flows, is able to accurately capture important flow features, e.g. vortices in a transient flow, and at the same time it can be significantly accelerated in terms of computational time with a view to constructing an attractive computational method for engineering applications  Read more

Read all the news in the CompMech Past News page


New book chapter: E. Lanzarone, S. Marconi, M. Conti, F. Auricchio, I. Fassi, F. Modica, C. Pagano, G. Pourabdollahian. “Hospital Factory for Manufacturing Customised, Patient-Specific 3D Anatomo-Functional Models and Prostheses“, in “Factories of the Future”, editors: T. Tolio, G. Copani, W. Terkaj. Springer (2019), pp. 233-254.

News – January 2019Guillermo Lorenzo and Alessandro Reali got their latest article “Computer simulations suggest that prostate enlargement due to benign prostatic hyperplasia mechanically impedes prostate cancer growth” published in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America. Read More


If interested in older news about our research group, please visit our Past News Page



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