The project “iCardioCloud. Bringing cardiovascular virtual reality to clinical bedside practice through cloud platform: implementation of a US excellence paradigm into Lombardia SSR“, funded by Regione Lombardia & Cariplo Foundation, is ending in December 2016.
A two-days workshop has taken place at I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Donato (PSD) on December 13th and at Palazzo Vistarino (University of Pavia) on December 14th.
During Day 1, the main outcomes of the project have been illustrated, with particular emphasis to the clinical application of the simulations; moreover, an overview of the ongoing activities related to the collaborations between PSD and UniPV has been provided by several speakers. The workshop has been closed by the outlook of the collaboration and by the speech of Prof. Francesco Svelto, the UniPV Third Mission Pro-Rector, encouraging the multidisciplinary collaboration described by the workshop.
During Day 2, an informal workshop has been carried out at Palazzo Vistarino, a wonderful historical building at Pavia downtown. The workshop has focused on the planning of the scientific activities of the β-lab and how to continue the research path traced by iCardioCloud project. The two-days workshop has hosted Prof. Frans Moll, Prof. Jan van Herwaarden, and Dr. Foeke Nauta from University Medical Center of Utrecht (UMCU); their presence and contribution to the scientific discussion was an added value for the meetings.