The first edition of the Workshop on “Biomeccanica dei Trattamenti Endovascolari: Gli aspetti clinici e gli approcci di modellizzazione biomeccanica a confronto” took place on April 5. The event was organized by the CompMech Group in the historical Aula Scarpa of the Central University and was a success with 52 attendees.
Twelve different studies were presented by researchers of University of Genoa, Politecnico of Milan, Politecnico of Turin, University of Milan, San Donato Hospital, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Fondazione Monasterio of Massa, University of Pavia, and Campus Bio-medico University of Rome.
The meeting had the main purpose of illustrating the state of the art regarding the analysis of medical images, experimental studies and computational simulations to evaluate the feasibility of the endovascular treatment and comparing clinical aspects with biomechanical modeling approaches. For more details, visit the Workshop webpage.
April 6, 2022