Our Phd student Anna Ferrarini, supervised by Prof. Alessandro Veneziani is working with scientific computing and image processing at Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia, USA). In particular, her visit will be finalized to the development of a code (C++ and Python) for the simulation of aortic diseases with turbulence models [1], [2], the advanced treatment of boundary conditions and the post-processing analysis of the numerical results. These results will be compared to those found with Ansys (3D-Lumped parameter model) and Simulink (Lumped Parameter model).

[1] L. Bertagna, A. Quaini, A. Veneziani. Deconvolution-based nonlinear filtering for incompressible flows at moderately large Reynolds numbers. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids,81:463-488, 2016
[2] H. Xu, M. Piccinelli, F. Di Massimo, D. Baroli, A. Quaini, A. Veneziani. Backflow Stabilization by Deconvolution-based Large Eddy Simulation Modeling. Journal of Computational Physics, 2019
December 16th, 2019