This week we had the pleasure of hosting two Dutch researchers from the University of Twente: Ing. Astrid Hoving (PhD Candidate) and Dr. Julia Mikhal (post-Doc).
On Monday, October 22nd, 2020 at DICAr they presented their research activities based on the area of fluid dynamics of stented arterial geometries. Their presentation focused on:
- In vitro ultrasound particle image velocimetry in a carotid artery stent;
- Automated analysis of flow in stented cerebral aneurysms.
Julia and Astrid stayed in Pavia for the whole week: they visited the city, University of Pavia, and our research laboratories (3D4MED, ProtoLab, BetaLab) as well. Moreover, they met some members of our group who illustrated their research activities.
Thank you for coming to see us!

Ing. Astrid Hoving

Dr. Julia Mikhal
October 22nd, 2018