Computer Simulation of Cardiovascular Diseases

High-order methods are yet not widely used in engineering applications due to their increased computational cost.

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most serious health problems in the western world. They heavily impact on life expectancy of healthy subjects, on patients’ life quality and on health resources. Today, however, thanks to sophisticated computer simulations, it is possible to fully comprehend local haemodynamic changes, effects of vascular walls modification on the flow pattern, and the gradual adaptation of the global system as a result of surgery. Moreover, computer simulations could be extremely useful in the preparation of therapeutic and/or surgical treatment preliminary phases.

Our CompMech Group member, Anna Ferrarini, is going to discuss the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for vascular biomechanics and in particular Navier-Stokes equations for CFD simulations, in a seminar on Computer Simulation of Cardiovascular Diseases at the University of Verona.

This seminar will provide the following fundamental concepts of circulation modeling: the meaning, the importance and the stages of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); the introduction of equations (Navier-Stokes equations) and initial/value problems relevant to the description of dynamics of interest, with a focus on the prescription of boundary conditions.

The boundary conditions treatment is still a critical issue due to unavailability of the data required for stating correctly the mathematical problem (defective problem). The seminar will describe different strategies for defective problems in order to fill this gap and to obtain a well-posed problem. Subsequently, geometrical multiscale models will be introduced. These are considered as methods for computing correct boundary conditions and for reducing possible spurious effects caused by the presence of artificial boundaries.


May 20th, 2019

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